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Why write post-apocalyptic/dystopian/sci-fi?

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As Seen On:
by Joel Ohman in Writing
Dystopian Landscape

I’ve read a lot in this genre so I would say its a mix of a lot of different things. I really just wanted to explore this question of, “What gives a person their worth?” Is it their usefulness to society? Is it because someone loves them? Is it because of how they look? Is it because of their health or ability? As a Christian, I believe that everyone has worth because they are made in the image of God so I wanted to explore some different takes on this question. I think that the post-apocalyptic/dystopian/scifi-ish genre was the best vehicle to tackle some of those deep philosophical questions in a fun and interesting way. You can read more Q&A here or you can go buy my books on Amazon here!

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